Driving Change - Who's At The Wheel?...
Had a very interesting 48 hours over in Frankfurt at IAA2017 - mixing it with Electric Warriors & Petrol Heads alike...with Diesel still as much in the forefront of product propositions as ever.
However, working with both Industry Incumbents and Disruptors alike enables me to keep a pragmatic perspective on things - and spot the synergies.
These are extraordinary times - both from a global and local point of view...and the stakes have never been higher.
I work hard to maintain a high profile in the EV world (and beyond) - mostly via LinkedIn - in order to gain access to the right people at the right time to ask the right questions - and I hope a couple of the exchanges I had with both Dieter Zetsche and Erik Jonnaert are faithful to that approach.
13:30 Would Chinese production quotas impact on your thinking?
Official Press Conference:-
Post Conference Q&A
Yep! I think I need to work with a cameraman!