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Cometh The Hour For The Kilowatt Car? UBS think so!

* photo credit: timmy/iStock

UBS Evidence Lab have just released a hugely interesting and informative perspective on the EV road ahead, and I'd concur with most of their conclusions...

In particular, I'm seeing evidence of fast approaching cost parity for some commercial vehicle fleet propositions, so of particular note is this bullet point within the report.

"The fleet segment, which is particularly relevant in Europe, will shift quickly to EVs away from diesel due to superior TCO"

Power supply is therefore a concurrent focus in the market as operators seek to ensure they can efficiently charge up their electric vehicles as they start to appear within their ICE Fleets - overnight charging looking most likely.

Some of the pivotal questions they pose:-

  1. Has the propensity to buy EVs changed, and how does it affect our EV sales forecast?

  2. What are the most favored EV brands, and which brands suffer from Tesla's rise?

  3. How will BEVs influence the OEM margin trajectory?

Here's a link straight to the report - click here

Great work Patrick Hummel & Co - thanks for sharing this with us!

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