100% sure it'll look 100% different within a decade from now.
That's the automotive world I mean.
How you'll use it and how it'll use you.
Think BOLD
A mash up between The Disruptors and The Incumbents that heralds profound changes in how and why we all move around the place like we do.
A for instance...
I rarely if ever go shopping now.
I go clicking.
I click for music, movies, stuff, and all sorts of mental stimulation.
However, the best way to click with other people remains pressing the flesh to my mind.
I did plenty of that last week at the Virgin Disruptors gig in London.
I'm a fan of the man who says you can! -
With step one of the process being
He's an eclectic electric vehicle kind of guy like me who's done OK for himself along the way (I'm playing catch-up) - disrupting established businesses and working practices along the way.
Back in 2000 I popped over to 'his world' - 12 months before the dot come bubble burst and the grand plan for world domination of the auto industry with virgincars.com evaporated...but not before we gave it a bloody good try!
Plenty of adventure in the intervening years to the point today where all of the fingers of my left hand, and three on my right are inside various pies.
EVEN - online all makes EV retailing with a fantastically crazy Icelander - Gisli Gislason
Gao Feng Advisory with some wonderfully smart people in China - headed up by author of China's
Disruptors, Edward Tse.
A host of Banks, Investment Houses, VC's, Automotive OEM's and Tier 1's as valued customers for my consultancy proposition.
I know what I know and if I don't know I say so - and then put you in touch with someone who does know!
2016 has been a joy to be in thus far - and I'm working hard in prepartion for the conveniently located 2017.
The most important thing to me is to bequeath a future full of hope, so that when I'm gone I've left a footprint that someone will be proud and happy to step into.
We have a lot to do together folks - so let's get busy together!